
Parramatta Artists Studios regularly commissions studio artists and alumni to develop new work for exhibitions and key public events.

A group of hijabi models in black clothing on top of a hill framed by a city skyline

About our Commissions

Parramatta Artists Studios regularly commissions studio artists and alumni to develop and present new work for key public events and local facilities. Commissions are an integral professional development program connecting artists with new audiences and presentation opportunities, as well as curatorial support and resources.

Commissions are presented across diverse interfaces including PAS studios, City of Parramatta facilities, online, as well as major commissions developed to align to key public programs including Movers and Makers, Parramatta Lanes, and Sydney Writers' Festival.

Frequently Asked Questions

Artworks are commissioned regularly throughout the year, and are shared mainly via the PAS newsletter and through social media. If you would like to stay updated, sign up to our newsletter or follow us on Instagram.

PAS identifies and engages artists for artwork commissions through its studio and alumni program.