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Planning proposals

A planning proposal (also known as a rezoning application) is a request to change a Local Environmental Plan (LEP).


To lodge a Planning Proposal:

1. Seek initial preliminary advice from Council’s Land Use Planners through the submission of scoping study and documentation for a potential Planning Proposal. This initial consultation is free.

2. Request a Planning Proposal Pre-Lodgement meeting with Council’s Land Use Planners and pay the required Pre-Lodgement Consultation fees.

3. Prepare a Planning Proposal in accordance with NSW Planning and Environment’s Local Environmental Plan Making Guidelines and Council’s adopted land use strategies. A 3D digital model is required to be submitted for certain Planning Proposals. Refer to 3D Data Requirements page for more information

4. Submit the Planning Proposal to Council via the NSW Planning Portal and pay the required fees. Council will not consider the Planning Proposal formally lodged until it has been accepted via the NSW Planning Portal and the required fees are paid.

Fees applicable to planning proposals are set out in the Schedule of Fees & Charges

Get in touch

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If you would like to discuss a Planning Proposal, contact our Land Use Planning Team.

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