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Parramatta CBD

Civic Link


Have your say on Developed Design for Civic Link Block 3

Civic Link is a City-shaping project which will see our community travel along a grand boulevard that connects Parramatta Square to the Parramatta River. The accessible path will be delivered over four large city blocks. Council’s Civic Link Block 3 will provide a cool, lush green, social space for our community to enjoy.

Following community consultation on the Draft Concept Designs in early-2024, a Refined Concept Design, which considered feedback, was approved by Council. It's now time for the community to be updated on the Developed Design for Civic Link Block 3 and once again have a say.

The Developed Design are based on the approved concepts and provide greater detail including the look and location of landscaping, furniture, fixtures, and traffic management signage.

Have your say on this City-shaping project

Submissions welcome until 5pm Monday 17 March.

Project update - January 2025

Civic Link Block 3, Horwood Place, Parramatta

Heritage Archaeological Test Excavations

6 January to 7 February 2025

To progress the transformation of the Parramatta CBD, the City of Parramatta is starting excavation works along Horwood Place and in front of 32a Phillip Street, Parramatta. These early works for the Civic Link Block 3 Project are the first stage in creating a green spine, a boulevard that connects the CBD to the Parramatta River.

The work includes excavation of test pits and trenches. The aim of these archaeological investigations is to assess the historical and cultural significance of the area. The work will help ensure the rich history of Parramatta is understood and preserved.

What’s happening?

Work is scheduled to begin early-January 2025 and will continue until the beginning of February 2025, subject to weather and site conditions. The proposed works may take longer depending on the findings.

Excavation pits are contained predominantly within the parking lanes. There will be five (5) large pits, approximately 2m wide x 5-10m long, and eight (8) small pits approximately 1m x 1m.

Minor disruptions to local traffic and parking are expected during the works. Traffic control will be in place to direct vehicles and pedestrians when required.

Works will generally take place Monday to Friday from 7am to 5pm.  

Access to the footpath and business premises will remain open to the public.

Archaeology an important part of project approval

Why do we excavate for archaeological purposes?

Excavations and extensive reports which document the quantity, condition, and significance of any recovered items are a key stage in project approval and permits to begin construction.

NSW Heritage oversees a very thorough process which governs how excavations are managed and how any heritage item is assessed, recorded, catalogued, and analysed.

Excavations and heritage assessments are completed by specialist consultants who work in partnership with Registered Aboriginal Parties who have declared an interest in the site.

Found items are assessed for integrity and significance through cataloguing, analysing, sampling and discarding in accordance with NSW Heritage requirements. The research potential of the item is also considered and the extent to which it may provide answers around the importance of the site, change of use over time, and how it should be managed now.

Artefacts could impact on the proposed design of the project

In some instances, NSW Heritage may direct found items are incorporated into interpretative displays on site or that they are catalogued and reburied within the site. Another option is that heritage items are relocated to form part of a collection and displayed.

In most instances, any significant Colonial Heritage items are handed over to the City of Parramatta’s Research and Collections team, who then oversee its management or storage. Sometimes NSW Heritage stipulates that a public display of the items is required.

For Aboriginal objects, after analysis, the long-term management of the finds will be discussed with the Registered Aboriginal Parties attached to the project. Options often include reburial of artefacts, or items being held in a Keeping Place or other suitable location through a Care and Control Agreement. The Keeping Place at PHIVE maybe a suitable location for this project.

It is recommendations in the archaeological report, along with NSW Heritage assessments, that form part of the final approval for a project. Permits to begin construction may include conditions imposed by NSW Heritage.

Who do I contact for more information?

For more information, please see the plan of proposed excavation sites.

For urgent enquiries, please contact Project Manager, Ju Li on 9806 8347 or call Council’s Customer Contact Centre on 1300 617 058 and ask to speak with the Civic Link team.

Alternatively, email

For background on the project, please see our project webpage 



Civic Link

Council, in partnership with the NSW Government, is working to transform the heart of Parramatta with our Civic Link.

When completed, Civic Link will be a green and activated pedestrian spine running from Parramatta Square to the Parramatta River. Civic Link will be the piece of the puzzle connecting Parramatta Square’s railway and light rail, the future Sydney Metrowest, and the Powerhouse Parramatta Museum at the river’s edge. It will be a place that invites our local residents and visitors to shop, sit, gather and move through.

Council’s vision for Civic Link has been established and further developed through strategic studies and statutory planning, including the:

  • 2017 Civic Link Framework Plan
  • 2017 Parramatta CBD Public Domain Plan
  • 2021 Parramatta City DCP

These documents have informed the 4 blocks distinct blocks that will make up the Civic Link.

  1. Block 1: Parramatta Square – Delivered by Council
  2. Block 2: Sydney Metro West – To be delivered by NSW Government
  3. Block 3: Horwood Place – our focus now
  4. Block 4: Powerhouse Museum – To be delivered by NSW Government

Unlike the other nearby NSW Government projects, Block 3 will be implemented without the redevelopment of adjacent properties.

Civic Link Block 3

Block 3 of Civic Link is located in Horwood Place and runs north-south from Phillip Street to George Street.

We’ve developed a design for Block 3 following consultation with local businesses and stakeholders. The design draws inspiration from Parramatta’s history and connection with the River to create a space that inspires calm and tranquillity as people move through the heart of our City.

The draft concept design will enable people to walk and cycle comfortably through the city, with wide pedestrian boulevards shaded by a green tree canopy. It also gives people places to pause, rest, and meet up with friends and family with a variety of formal and informal seating options.

Council aims to design and construct Block 3 within the next 3 years. Council is seeking feedback from community, business and property owners adjoining Block 3 to finalise the concept design.


Proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with the City of Parramatta Council 


2017 Civic Link Framework Plan

The Civic Link will be a green, pedestrianised public space and cultural spine that connects public life from the heart of Parramatta CBD to the River.

It will respond to the environmental challenges of an urban, river city as well as to the City’s rich and vibrant history, expressive of and welcoming to people and place; past, present and future.

The Civic Link Framework Plan sets out the vision for the Civic Link, which extends across four city blocks through the heart of the Parramatta CBD, connecting Parramatta Square and the transport interchange to River Square, the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS) and the broader foreshore precinct.

This strategic document establishes the long term aspiration, strategies, design ideas and recommendations that will define the new pedestrian spine and allow an arts and cultural precinct to flourish within it, with spaces for local businesses, small bars and cafes, makers and collaborators.


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