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Our parks

Temporary Access to Parks and Reserves

Council may temporarily permit access to our parks and open spaces for:

  • vehicle access
  • plant and equipment
  • maintenance/construction related access
  • site investigations

All temporary access requests are subject to Council approval and will be assessed on compliance with legislation, merit, and impact to the environment and community use of the land. The maximum time permitted for temporary access is 14 days. 

For requests longer than this, we may refer you to our property and planning team for licensing and development application requirements.


    1. You must apply for access more than 15 business days before the proposed start date.

    2. An application is to be lodged on Council’s Online Services Portal  (Select Lodge an Application > Roads and Parks Infrastructure > Temporary Vehicle Access) to provide Council with information required for assessment. Your application must include a work methodology, site plans and a pedestrian/traffic management plan. A public liabilities insurance certificate of currency must also be provided.

    3. Applicants must clearly demonstrate there are no alternative means of access available to avoid access through City of Parramatta land.

    4. The following non-refundable application fee will apply:

      Application Fee $210.00 - GST free
    1. We’ll contact you within 5 business days to discuss your application.

    2. We’ll confirm in writing if the City of Parramatta supports your proposal and where applicable, what type of agreement you’ll enter into with us.

    3. If the application is endorsed, we’ll calculate access and bond fees.

    4. An approval letter will be issued to the applicant in writing with approved dates for access and payment/ key collection instructions. 

    Fee Category Fee Amount Description
    Bond - Resident $1,575.00 Applications made by the resident for minor deliveries by the resident to the premises.
    Bond - Non-Resident / Commercial - Minor $3,150.00 Light vehicle access or delivery of items (excluding building equipment and/or materials) to adjoining properties.
    Bond - Non-Resident / Commercial - Medium $6,200.00 Heavy vehicle access or delivery of building equipment and/or materials to adjoining properties.
    Bond - Non-Resident / Commercial - Major $12,440.00 Public or private utilities works, waste storage containers or similar.
    Bond - Keys $150.00 Access requests at times will require the collection of a key to unlock vehicle access gates.
    Inspection fee $157.50 per inspection Inspection fees may be applied where damage has occurred, or remediation is required.
    Other Other fees and bonds separate to the above may be applied on a case-by-case basis Examples may include where bonds are applied for tree or environmental protection.
    *Please note for tree bonds, bond amounts per tree can range from $2,000 to $100,000.



    1. Council officers will inspect the Council land on conclusion of the access period.

    2. Bonds will be released back to the applicant once satisfactory inspection of the land is completed and keys are returned.

    3. Where damage has occurred to the Council land, the bond will be withheld from the applicant until the remediation standard identified by Council is undertaken by the applicant. Inspection fees will be applied. 

    4. If the applicant does not remediate the land to Council standard the bond will be retained by Council to undertake the remediation.

    • If works are performed on or adjacent to Council land, you will also be required to supply and submit site-specific SWMS, CEMP, and any relevant supporting documentation such as approvals (e.g. stamped plans) or Tree Protection Plans.

    • For the following access requests the listed documentation is a minimum requirement:

      • Sewer connection: Approved Sydney Water Minor Works Plan and fully-signed Sydney Water ‘Permission to Enter’. 

      • Stormwater Connection: Stamped stormwater drainage plan, signed Deed of Agreement and Stormwater Easement Damage Bond receipt. 

      • Telecommunications works: Authority Land Request 


If you have any questions you can get in touch with our Parks and Open Space Team at



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