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Parking and transport

Parking meter refund

Parking meter refund 


If you have paid for parking at a parking meter in Parramatta and have not received a ticket, or EasyPark activation please call 1800 017 827 (free call) so a technician can attend, to the meter.

Please ensure that you purchase another ticket from a working meter to display in your car. The City of Parramatta enforces a ‘pay and display’ system, and failure to purchase a ticket could result in a penalty notice.

To claim a refund for duplicate payments only. Please complete the parking meter refund form below and attach a copy of your tickets. A claim must be made within 5 business days.

Parking meter refund form

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Your details
Please provide your postal address for cash refunds if approved.
Payment details
Please provide as much information as you can to speed up processing
Not sure what Meter ID it was, find meter number on the map here
Time e.g. 12:30:00 PM
First Payments Types
Second Payments Types
e.g. 123456 ... 1212
e.g. 123456 ... 1212
Upload requirements

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